Full Cold Moon Ritual

It’s the last full moon of 2022!  The Full Cold Moon is a time of rebirth.  With Yule and Winter Solstice right around the corner, now is an ideal time to start visualizing what you want to bring into your life.  It is a time for many Pagans to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

We will meet under the dark of night, surrounded by candlelight. High Priestess, Rev. Karyn Williams will open our circle and deliver a traditional Yule prayer and blessing.  You will learn how to formally cast and protect a circle with quarter calls, using specific tools.

Spell work for the evening includes creating a Yule pinecone ornaments to set forth our intentions for the coming year.  Throughout the span of recorded human history, pinecones have served as a symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland.

You will also make an authentic Witch’s Ball.   Historically, witch balls were hung in cottage windows in 17th and 18th century England to ward off evil spirits, evil spells, ill fortune and bad spirits.  Still widely used today, many pagans hang them in their home for protection, especially during the Yuletide season.

A burning bowl ritual is also included.  We will release all that no longer serves us, making room for our new intentions! The evening will conclude with a traditional bread breaking ritual to keep you rooted and grounded.

Our full moon rituals are the easiest way to get a glimpse into what transpires in a traditional coven meeting without the commitment. Our circles are open to all; so pull up a broom and join us!

Advanced registration is required to ensure supplies
*Limited seating. First come, first served.


Dec 07 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


The Zen Shop


The Zen Shop
308 Stevenson Rd. N. Oshawa, ON
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