We are currently updating our website to serve you
better. Please be patient as we upload inventory.
Our brick and mortar store has a huge selection of
sterling silver sacred symbol pendants in stock that
is not yet uploaded to our site !
Tree of Life Pendants (16)
Pentacle & Pentagram Pendants (19)
Goddess & Witchcraft Pendants
Deity Pendants
Celestial Pendants (6)
Evil Eye Pendants (24)
Hamsa & Hand of Fatima Pendants (16)
Skull Pendants (20)
Triquetra Pendants (11)
Triskele & Triskelion Pendants (6)
Norse & Viking Pendants
Egyptian & All Seeing Eye Pendants
Flower & Seed of Life Pendants (8)
OM Symbol Pendants (12)
Mindfulness & Meditation
Buddha & Yin Yang Pendants (18)
Astrology & Zodiacs (1)
Spirit Animal Pendants
Angel & Feather Pendants
Occult Pendants